
Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Our tooth is made of a hard material called dentine. The visible part of the tooth is known as crown and the part beneath the gumline is called the root, which helps it to anchor into the jawbone. Enamel is the surface whitish layer that protects the crown. Pulp is the center of a tooth that is continuous from crown to root, and it contains blood vessels, and nerves.

The treatment of pulp and endogenous structures of the tooth is called endodontic treatment. RCT is performed by Endodontist, a highly skilled specialist dentist trained in diagnosing and treating tooth pain, and performing RCT. At Glow Skin and Dental Clinic, all the RCTs are performed by internationally trained Endodontist with years of experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

A root canal treatment is a tooth saving procedure in which the exposed pulp due to decay or trauma is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, filled with composite and sealed with a crown. It relieves the pain and make your teeth healthy again. RCT is possible if the root and the supporting tissues of the tooth is in good condition.

You may need RCT if you are experiencing any of these symptoms:-

  • Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold even after the trigger is removed
  • Swollen and painful gums
  • Pain on biting or chewing
  • Chipped or crack tooth
  • Deep decay
  • Darkening of gums
  • Loosening of the tooth
  • Loss of the affected tooth
  • Infection spreads to other teeth and jawbone
  • Done loss in that area

Usually, it takes 2-3 sessions to complete RCT, but sometime it can be done in a single session. However, each session last 45mins to an hour. Is a root canal painful? It is performed to relieve your pain. It is done under the local anesthesia, and you feel numb during the procedure. However, after the anesthetic effect wear off, you may feel mild discomfort and sensitivity for a few days.

It is performed to relieve your pain. It is done under the local anesthesia utilizing latest technology; hence you feel numb during the procedure. However, after the anesthetic effect wear off, you may feel mild discomfort and sensitivity for a few days.

The success rate of the treated tooth is around 95-98%, lasting 10-15years or even a lifetime with proper oral hygiene and regular visit to a dentist.