
Orthodontics Treatment


Orthodontics is specialty in dentistry that aims on the diagnosis, prevention and correcting misalignment of the teeth and jaws. It improves dental function and appearance

Orthodontists are specialist dentists who are trained in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. At Glow Skin and Dental Clinic, our internationally trained orthodontists with years of experience provide treatment to straighten crooked teeth, fix bad bites and align the jaws correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

A gentle, constant force in a carefully controlled direction placed by orthodontic appliances allow the slow movement of teeth to the proper position.

Anyone who suffers from:-

  • Asymmetry: when the center of the upper and lower front teeth doesn’t align
  • Deep Bite: when your upper teeth cover the lower teeth too much
  • Reverse Bite: when your upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth
  • Open Bite: when your front teeth remain apart while your back teeth meet, makes your tongue visible through the gap
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crowding of teeth: when your teeth overlap one another
  • Impacted teeth: allow the secondary impacted tooth to erupt in the correct position and properly align
  • Narrow dental arches
  • Drift of adult teeth due to early loss of primary teeth

Orthodontic appliances can be fixed or removable; and visible or invisible. Orthodontic appliances are made from different material such as metal, ceramic or clear plastic. Our orthodontist will provide you the best option, depending upon your age, complexity of your problem, your availability to visit clinic, your discipline to keep your teeth clean, and finally cost

Metal braces: It has evolved from chunky ones to modern smaller and less noticeable brackets


  • -Tried and tested
  • -Solves complex cases


  • -Frequent visit
  • -May cause mild discomfort, scratches and ulcers, enamel demineralization, and root shortening
  • -Emergency visit due to loose wire
  • -Food restrictions: avoid sugary and sticky food

Ceramic braces: They are tooth colored and function same as metal braces


  • -Less noticeable, hence aesthetically appealing


  • -It more prone to staining and treats mild to moderate malocclusion

Clear Aligners: are removable transparent customized plastic trays which fit and apply consistent pressure. We offer iAlign similar to Invisalign. It comes with a series of custom-made plastic trays for your teeth, that you change in sequence every 2 weeks. Each aligner must be worn for at least 20-22 hours a day for about 2 weeks. Treatment duration varies based on the complexity, on average, it takes 14 months to complete the treatment.


  • Convenient and comfortable
  • Allows better dental hygiene
  • Discreet and cosmetically appealing
  • Less frequent dental visit compared to mental braces
  • Removable while eating, drinking, brushing


  • Not suited to everyone
  • Expensive compared to traditional braces
  • Requires discipline to consistently wear them and change timely

There is no age barrier in receiving an orthodontic treatment

Misalignment can cause dental erosion, dental cavities, loose tooth, gum disease, dry mouth, chewing difficulty, speech impairment, temporomandibular joint disorder, and severe headaches.

It may take few months to up to 3years depending upon the complexity of your case.