Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy


PRP & IPRF Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a bio rejuvenation procedure where your own blood is drawn into anticoagulant-loaded tubes, processed to filter out cells and extract platelet-rich plasma.

Platelet is a type of blood cell which produces and stores various growth factors. This concentrated PRP has enhanced capacity to signal healing or rejuvenation.

IPRF (Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin), is a newer generation PRP. The fibrin network in the IPRF acts like a scaffold or mesh which helps to hold the platelet for a longer time.

An analogy would be PRP is like pouring a bucket of water and iPRF is like a drop-by-drop irrigation. Hence, iPRF injected areas are exposed to growth factors for a longer duration compared to PRP, which results in greater collagen and dermal matrix production.

Frequently Asked Questions

A blood is withdrawn, filled in the sterile tube loaded with anticoagulant and spin around for some time. Then PRP is withdrawn into the syringe or pipette, then it is delivered into your skin. We can either inject or topically applied after or during a microneedling session.

The process is same for iprf except the tubes are empty, no anticoagulant is added.

When PRP is injected or topically applied into the targeted area, it allows your own tissues to regenerate themselves by many folds. Basically, it helps to regenerate the areas it is applied.

In the skin, it helps to regenerate new collagen, elastin and other dermal matrices, which makes you look fresh and rejuvenated.

In the scalp, it helps to reduce hair fall and enhance hair regrowth.

The procedure takes 45mins to 1hour, and there may be mild swelling for a day.