
Crown, Bridge and Denture

The art of making dental prosthesis such as crown, bridge or denture is called prosthodontics and the specialized dentist who makes it is referred as Prosthodontists

The bespoke quality and craftmanship of our prosthodontist, Dr. Dilip Das is an art by itself. These artificial tooth looks and feels natural.

A crown is a cap that covers the damaged tooth or an implant. It can strengthen a damaged tooth and improve the appearance, shape, function, and alignment of the teeth.

A bridge is recommended if you have multiple missing teeth. It relies on surrounding teeth to support its own structure while also providing shape and functional benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Situations where you may need a crown are :-

  • A weakened tooth after severe decay or cavity
  • To cover an implant
  • To replace a large filling
  • A natural tooth that is damaged or cracked
  • A tooth that has undergone a root canal
  • To align your bite
  • For aesthetics purposes: to achieve a more beautiful smile by leveling the size, shape, and color of your teeth.

Indeed, there types of crowns but the one we practice in our clinic are following and installed depending upon your preference

Metal crown: We use nickel free metals such as chromium- cobalt


  • -Rarely chip or break
  • -Doesn’t interfere with MRI
  • -Less possibility of allergic reaction compared to Nickle ones
  • -Inexpensive


  • -Cosmetically unappealing due to its metallic color

Porcelain fused to metal (PFM): Metal crown is coated with the porcelain.


  • -Durable due to its metal structure
  • -Natural looking due to the porcelain coating


  • -Porcelain coating chips off over the time
  • -Gradually wear down the enamel on the opposite site
  • -Chances of metal allergies

Zirconia crown: is one of the types of ceramic crown.


  • Durable and natural looking
  • Less enamel wear on the opposite site
  • No allergies


  • Expensive than other

Composite crown: used as a temporary crown due to its brittleness.