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Obesity and metabolic disorders are global problems, and in Nepal, we see the rise of these problems.

It is a problem related to lifestyle and diet. Fad diets such as intermittent, keto, low-calorie, low-carb, etc. are doable for a limited time period. It can’t be continued.

A shift in lifestyle has to be made along with dietary changes. A diet that is locally produced, easily available, wholesome, nutritious yet! palatable is a way to go ahead. Something that you can follow and maintain for years.

Many of our clients suffering from melasma, acne, excessive unwanted facial hair growth, or hair thinning have underlying hormonal issues such as polycystic ovarian syndrome which caused them to put on weight. These fat cells release hormones that further adds to hormonal irregularities. It’s like a vicious cycle.

Upon consultation, our nutritionist will recommend a diet and guidance for one to three months, according to your preferences. And she will be in regular touch to help you with your weight reduction on a daily basis during the course.